Across Borders Tours
Upcoming Tours
Vancouver Tour
Women Deliver Conference
Vancouver, Canada
June 2-6, 2019
Past Tours
Trinidad and Tobago Tour
U.S. Embassy Trinidad and Tobago, Ms. Brafit Limited
Port of Spain, Trinidad
March 5-10, 2016
Geneva Tour
The Future She Deserves
US Mission to the United Nations, Geneva and Women at the Table
Geneva, Switzerland
November 18-23, 2015
Sarajevo Tour
Under One Sun Staging the Revolution: From NYC to Sarajevo
PitchWise Festival
U.S. Embassy Bosnia and Herzegovina tour of schools in Sarajevo and East Sarajevo
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
September 9-14, 2015
Bermuda Tour
Girl Be Heard Bermuda: Staging the Revolution for Peace
Bermuda Conference Women’s Missionary Society of the AME Church
Hamilton, Bermuda
May 23-30, 2015
Taiwan Tour
Staging the Revolution to Stop Domestic Violence
Garden of Hope Foundation and The American Institute in Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan
Europe Tour
Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict
Chaired by William Hague and Angelina Jolie
London, UK
US Embassy Sponsored tour in the UK
Birmingham, Coventry, and London
US Mission to the United Nations Performance hosted by 10 missions to the United Nations,
Geneva, Switzerland
US Embassy Tour of Denmark
Copenhagen, Vollsmose, Roskilde, Denmark
Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones – Closing Plenary Performance, hosted by Angelina Jolie and UK Foreign Secretary William Hague June 2014
Stand #withMalala performance for Malala and Ziauddin Yousafzai at the Asia Society October 2015
U.S. Embassy sponsored tour to Trinidad and Tobago “Trafficked” at the Central Bank Auditorium, March 2016
United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. European “Girl Power Tour” June 2014
U.S. Mission to the United Nations, Geneva “The Future She Deserves” November 2015