Girl Be Heard Presents:

Girls Make Movies

Applications are CLOSED for Girls Make Movies2023. Follow us @girlbeheard to see what our GMM participants are up to!

Girl Be Heard is excited to announce the return of Girls Make Movies!

It is a FREE immersive hands-on experience that will explore the art and technique of documentary-style filmmaking.

Meeting once a week throughout the Spring season, this fun and engaging in-person workshop program will teach:

  • Tips and tricks for capturing film at home (on a smartphone and/or introductory camera)

  • How to turn your documentary idea into a unique, engaging storyline

  • How to map out a documentary storyboard and shot list

  • Creative ways to shoot a film at home and in your local neighborhood

  • Key production steps to transform your documentary into a final polished product

Upon completion of the Girls Make Movies program, participants will leave with a final 15 to 25 minute packaged short documentary that can be used in a professional portfolio and potentially be entered into independent film festivals.

Applications are CLOSED.

For inquiries, please contact: Nell Johnson,