Girl Be Heard’s Gender Inclusion Policy
After-School Participants
We are dedicated to working towards a world where women, girls, and all people experiencing gender-based oppression are valued, everyone is given the opportunity to rise to their potential, and resources are leveraged for the influence of positive change. As an intersectional feminist organization, we welcome all participants who identify as women, girls, gender-nonconforming, genderfluid, transfeminine, and all trans-identified individuals.
We do not discriminate based on the outward appearance or performance of gender put forth by our young folks, and strive to respect, encourage, and celebrate that gender identity and presentation, especially amongst young people, is subject to change.
Finally, Girl Be Heard understands that this fluidity of gender and its complexities require an ongoing process of learning and growth. We ask all of you to join us in the journey as we continue to grow and evolve.